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Meet Devashree Bhau

Hello, dear friends. I am Devashree, your guide on a fascinating journey through the ancient sciences of Vastu and Feng Shui. My own life has taken me on a path through these time-honored studies, inspired by my own personal experiences and an endless thirst for knowledge. 


Since 2003, I've been offering my consultation services to my wonderful Clients from the Bay Area, India, and LA. I am grateful for the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of home building from our Vedic times and share their wisdom with you in the modern world.

Interior Design

My Approach

My work is all about blending ancient wisdom with modern living. I don't just list down rules for you to follow; I guide you to create a space that resonates with your intention, a space that attracts abundance and prosperity.

My Mission

My mission stems from a place of passion and professionalism - to make a meaningful difference. To this day, I've seen the transformative power of proper design and placement, and how they profoundly affect people's lives. It's a passion fueled by the blessings I receive from those whose lives I've touched.

Interior Decor
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Why Choose Devashree?

I combine my passion for these sciences with a highly personable approach, offering real value and a fresh perspective. My solutions are customized to your needs completely!  I'm someone who can simplify the complex rules of Vastu and Feng Shui and make them approachable and practical for you. People who have walked this path with me describe their experience as rewarding, satisfying, and even exhilarating.


I firmly believe that each space, like each person, is unique. So, my aim is to understand your needs and dreams deeply, and guide you on how to infuse your surroundings with positivity, prosperity, and free-flowing energy. Observe how life can take a positive turn only be putting your intention into following this science of home building!

Cultivating Blessings and Positivity

When it comes to my work as your consultant, it's not just about earning a living. It's about weaving together a tapestry of blessings by interior designing your spaces with the principles of Feng Shui and Vastu science , thereby creating a beautiful ripple effect in your lives.


Whether your heart is calling for a renovation, a redesign, or simply to infuse your personal or professional space with a sprinkle of positivity, I stand beside you. It is my pleasure and privilege to assist you if you're eager to foster an environment rich in prosperity, harmony, and free-flowing energy with an intention to dive into it.


Isn't it wonderful to think about the power our physical surroundings have on our lives? Our homes and workplaces can softly shape our feelings, our efficiency, and indeed, our overall sense of well-being. By drawing on the timeless wisdom of Vastu and Feng Shui, we can harness this energy and use it to our advantage, to live a life that is not only prosperous but also deeply fulfilling.

Home Deck and Kitchen
Modern Office Space

Shall We Begin Our Voyage?

Isn't it exciting to think of start on a journey that can reshape our living spaces and fill our lives with a radiant positivity? From our humble abodes to the towering offices where we spend much of our day, there's a myriad of ways in which the ancient wisdom of Vastu and Feng Shui can breathe fresh life into these spaces.


No task is too humble, no ambition too grand. Whether you're stepping into a new home, reimagining your present home, or looking to revitalize your rental properties or workspaces, every step we take together on this journey holds the promise of discovery and transformation.


So, let's set off on this voyage of exploration together. Allow me to guide you through these timeless sciences, unraveling their beauty and revealing their immense potential to enhance our contemporary lives. Please don't hesitate to get in touch. Together, we can awaken the latent potential of your spaces!

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